I have had counselling, as a way to try and find the answers to some of my feelings that made me behave in a certain way, but most importantly the triggers that really made me angry, not that I felt I needed anger management of course.
At my first session it became quite clear that I did have issues with triggers, my amazing ability to not be able to let things go easily, then one thing, however minor or major would happen and there was my trigger! My reaction would not be in perspective to the incident, in fact to my family seemed completely irrational - why? Simple, I would add a number of events together, that in my mind I could connect and therefore multiplying my reaction by 4,5,6 or more times.
Another factor in this is my logic! I don't perceive myself as highly intelligent or complicated, but if anything I try to keep things relatively simple. I.e if you go through the alphabet, I start with A and 26 letters later arrive at Z. My background from leaving school is as a quantity surveyor in the building industry, so there are set logical procedures you follow when building houses and that's kind of how my logic works.When people or procedures don't make sense to me, because it hasn't been done how I would do it, which in my mind is usually the most straight forward way, it frustrates me - and so starts my logic head asking why?
It is these things i want to write about, over time, as and when I feel like it and maybe these thoughts will be similar to how other people think about things, reassuring me that I am somewhere near just a normal guy! And although we're guys we still have feelings right!
Chopper 2

Firstly it cost money so you expect it to be something worth buying, the loading screens look good too! But, if you have an iPhone or iPod and an iPad this is when it becomes very good. You can load the app onto your iPad and iPhone or iPod, turn on your blue tooth, and hey presto, your phone becomes a wireless remote control for the game! How cool is that?
Apart from that not done much else other than paint the kitchen and pop into Farnham, although I only live about 20 minutes from there only ever popped in there a couple of times for something specific, but had a good mooch today and quite enjoyed it, so I will be back there at some point.
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